Inexpensive Home Makeover Ideas for Every Room

Brighten up your bedroom, living room, kitchen, and bathroom with these pocket-friendly home makeover ideas that will help you transform your house.

Home makeover

Coming up with inexpensive home makeover ideas doesn’t have to be a nightmare. You might be thinking of making changes in your home but you don’t have enough budget to do it. Simple makeovers such as changing the carpet or repainting your house can give your home a new look in a short time. 

Here are some budget-friendly DIY home makeover ideas to transform each part of your house. 


inexpensive home makeover ideas

The bedroom is the one place you want to go and feel calm and relaxed.  Get a duvet with a pattern on it to give your room a new look. If you want a modern, rustic look, change your beddings to match the theme of your room. A big mirror in the room will give the illusion of a bigger room, and improve on natural lighting.


home makeover ideas

Towels are essential in any bathroom. Get a metal paper file cabinet to store your folded towels. To give the room a pop of colour, buy towels in different colours and stack them on top of each other. To give it a more fun look, arrange the lotions and soaps next to the towels.  


home makeover ideas

Your refrigerator isn’t the only place where you can store your fruits. Place a bowl of fruits on display to give your kitchen a colourful view. Remember to put long-lasting fruits such as lemons, apples, oranges and mangoes.

Dining Room

If you have an open plan type of dining room, consider creating a pattern under the table to mark out the dining space. You can put a rug or draw out a pattern using paint to segment the dining area.

Living Room

home makeover ideas

You want to feel cosy and relaxed with you are spending time with your family. If your furniture is not comfortable, consider getting it redone. Go for shorter sofa sets to give a room that cosy feeling. Painting the walls, floor and ceiling white will lighten up a dark room. However, if you want to get a modern look, you can paint the walls to match your personality.

Laundry Room

home makeover ideas

You can add more storage space in your laundry room by building floating shelves behind the door to store your supplies.

What other simple home makeover ideas have you tried?

Share with us in the comment section below. 

EABL, Formerly at BuyRentKenya
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