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Reginald Okumu

National Land Commission Commissioner

National Land Commission

Reginald Okumu is a seasoned Real Estate professional with over 20 years of experience in the industry. Throughout his career, he has held various leadership positions, including Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Director, Manager, and Senior Valuer, in renowned real estate organizations in Kenya. His extensive expertise spans a wide range of roles, including Property Manager, Real Estate Development and Sales/Leasing Negotiator, and Valuation specialist.

With a deep understanding of the real estate market, Reginald specializes in conducting comprehensive market and feasibility studies. He possesses a wealth of knowledge in real estate tax and serves as an adviser on real estate development and investment. His ability to evaluate all types of properties, from residential to commercial, has earned him a reputation for providing accurate and reliable valuations.

Beyond his professional endeavors, Reginald is also an avid writer who has channeled his passion for storytelling into captivating narratives. His experiences in the real estate industry have provided him with unique insights into the human dynamics involved in property transactions and the complexities of the market. This rich background informs his writing, enabling him to craft compelling stories that resonate with readers.

Reginald Okumu’s combined expertise in real estate and writing allows him to delve into the intricacies of the industry, exploring its nuances and shedding light on the human stories behind the transactions. With his distinct voice and attention to detail, he invites readers into a world where real estate becomes a canvas for exploring the human condition and the choices we make in pursuit of our dreams.

Latest articles by Reginald Okumu

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How Political Risks Affect The Real Estate Market

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Real Estate in Kenya: Review of 2016 and Forecast for 2017

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